The kingdom is God’s way of doing things and if you are a member in the kingdom, the plan of God is for you to be a leader in the world and this includes your finances. There are certain financial goals every son and daughter of the kingdom should aspire towards to take a front seat in determining your financial future.
Goal 1: Financial Freedom. Your first goal is financial freedom where you are free from debt. To get there, you must first come out of debt. Work towards Financial freedom; freedom from debt and curses.
Goal 2: Financial Independence. In financial independence, you are in control of your own destiny financially; you don’t depend on your monthly salary to survive and you have finances coming from other sources.
Goal 3: Financial Excellence. Financial excellence is a higher dimension where your decisions are made based on the will of God and not on your statement of account. The question is no more, “Can we afford it?” Rather it is, “Does God want it done?” Such a person has entered into a partnership with God.
Goal 4: Financial Dominion. Financial dominion is when you are “Blessed to be a blessing”. In financial dominion, you can duplicate what you are and what you have anywhere in the world because your attainment is not something that someone did for you.